
研 究 所:药剂学研究所
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  • 【基本情况】
          博士,教授,博士生导师, 1998年博士毕业于bat365官方网站登录化学系有机合成专业,获理学博士学位。2010年和2014年连续两届被确定为甘肃省药学学科领军人才。2006年在美国南加州大学bat365app官网入口登录(School of Pharmacy, University of Southern California)做高级访问学者。2014年参加国家留学基金委博士生导师短期交流项目赴澳大利亚昆士兰大学联合指导博士研究生。现任中国药学会纳米药物专业委员会委员,甘肃省药学会药剂专业委员会主任委员,甘肃省药学会常务理事。
          多年来紧密结合临床用药需求,从事临床用药物新型靶向释放系统和新制剂的基础及应用研究。主持完成两项国家自然科学基金项目,一项教育部重点项目,作为课题副组长完成一项科技部“863”课题,二项国家科技部“重大新药创制”科技重大专项项目,主持完成甘肃省科技支撑项目等四项甘肃省科技计划项目。研究成果获教育部科技进步一等奖一项,甘肃省科技进步二等奖两项,三等奖两项。研究成果获国家发明专利授权6项。作为通讯作者在Brain,Behavior, and Immunity ,Bioorg. Med. Chem.,Peptides等刊物发表研究论文50余篇。

  • [1] Nijingman(通讯作者),  Design of novel antimicrobial peptide dimer analogues with enhancedantimicrobial activity in vitro and in vivo by intermolecular triazolebridge strategy, Peptides,2017, 88: 115–125
    [2] Nijingman(通讯作者), Intramolecular cyclization of the antimicrobialpeptide Polybia-MPI with triazole stapling:influence on stability and bioactivity, J. Pept. Sci., 2017, 23(11):824-832
    [3] Nijingman(通讯作者) In Vivo and In Vitro Anti-inflammatory Effects of EthanolFraction from PeriplocaforrestiiSchltr,Chin. J.Integr. Med., 2017, 23 (7):528
    [4] Nijingman(通讯作者), Design of new acid-activated cellpenetrating peptides for tumor drugdelivery, PeerJ, 2017, 5:e3429
    [5]Nijingman(通讯作者)Development 1 and validation of a reversed phase liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection for the pharmacokinetic study of a new chimeric peptide. Analytical Methods,2016, 8, 2620 – 2627
    [6]Nijingman(通讯作者) Quantification and bioassay of α-glucose roots of Glycyrriza uralensis Fisch. Natural Product Research,2016,30(18):2130-2134
    [7]Nijingman(通讯作者)Lipid-lowering, Hepatoprotective and Atheroprotective Effects of the Mixture, Hong-Qu and with NAFLD Rat. Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 2016,79(3):111-121
    [8] Nijingman(通讯作者) Quantification and bioassay of α-glucose roots of Glycyrriza uralensis Fisch. Natural Product Research , 2016,30(18):2130-2134
    [9] Nijingman(通讯作者) Lipid-lowering,Hepatoprotective and Atheroprotective Effects of the Mixture, Hong-Qu and with NAFLD Rat, Journal of the Chinese Medical Association, 2016,79(3):111-121
    [10] Nijingman(通讯作者). Cell penetrating peptide TAT can kill cancer cells via membrane disruption after attachment of camptothecin. Peptides,2015,63C: 143-149
    [11] Nijingman(通讯作者) A study of the pseudo-aldosteronism toxicity of licorice flavonoid dispersible tablets. Asian Journal of Traditional Medicines, 2014, 9(4):88-97
    [12] Nijingman(通讯作者)Protective effects of MLIF analogs on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats  Peptides 2011,32, 1047–1054(SCI, IF2.368)
    [13] Nijingman(通讯作者)Synthesis and antinociceptive effects of endomorphin-1 analogs with C-terminal linked by oligoarginine Peptides  2011 ,32,293–299;
    [14] Nijingman(通讯作者)In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of novel actinomycin D analogs with amino acid substituted in the cyclic depsipeptides. Peptides., 2010, 31:568-573(SCI, IF2.368)
    [15] Nijingman(通讯作者)  Dihydroartemisinin loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (DHA-NLC): Evaluation of pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution after intravenous  administration to rats. Pharmazie, 2010, 65: 670-678.
    [16] Nijingman(通讯作者) In vivo characterization of the effects of human hemokinin-1 and human hemokinin-1(4-11),mammalian tachykinin peptides,on the modulation of pain in mice Brain,Behavior,and Immunity 2008, 22: 858-860 .(SCI, IF 4.659)
    [17] Nijingman(通讯作者) Differential cardiovascular effects of synthetic peptides derived from endomorphin-1 in anesthetized rats Peptides, 2008,29(6),1048-1056. (SCI, IF 2.368)
    [18] Nijingman(通讯作者)  Endomorphin-1 analogs with enhanced metabolic stability and systemic analgesic activity: design, synthesis and pharmacological characterization. Bioorg Med Chem  2007,15: 1694-1702. (SCI, IF2.662)
    [19] Nijingman(通讯作者)A new type of ligand derived from N-terminal protected dipeptides in enantioselective addition of phenylacetylene to aromatic ketones at room temperature  Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical 2006, 253, 86-91. (SCI, IF 2.707)
    [20] Nijingman(通讯作者) In vitro release performance and analgesic activity of endomorphin-1 loaded nanoparticles  Pharmazie  2006,61,250-252. (SCI, IF 0.987)

  • 【1】 国家自然科学基金面上项目”采用分子桥键化等策略构建高效稳定的α-螺旋型抗菌肽构效关系研究”, 项目编号(81773564),2018.01至—2021. 12, 项目主持人: 倪京满
    【2】 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“稳定性酸敏感穿膜肽的设计与应用”项目编号(81273440), 2013-01--2016-12, 项目主持人: 倪京满,
    【3】 国家自然科学基金面上项目”碳末端立体构象限制的内吗啡肽-1的设计合成机构效关系研究”项目编号(30940090), 2011.01--2011.12, 项目主持人: 倪京满
    【4】 教育部重点项目“新设计的抗癌药物放线菌素D类似物的合成和构效关系研究”( 课题编号:204142;起止时间:2004.1-2006.12), 项目主持人:倪京满。
    【5】 甘肃省重点研发计划, “创新中药“甘草护肝降糖分散片”产业化研究”, 项目编号( 17YF1FA125 ) ,  2018.01-2019.12, 项目主持人: 倪京满,
    【6】 甘肃省重点中医药项目,甘草降糖分散片的开发研究”项目编号(GZK-2009-1), 2009-1--2012-12,项目主持人: 倪京满,
    【7】 甘肃省科技支撑计划项目, “创新中药“甘草降糖分散片”新药研发”项目编号(1204FKCA147),2012.12—2015.12,项目主持人: 倪京满,

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