Chen Juan ( 陈娟 )

Chen Juan ( 陈娟 ).jpg

Full Name: Juan Chen

Position:Ph.D, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor

E-mail: chenjuan@lzu.edu.cn


School of Pharmacy, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou730000, China


Sep. 2002~May. 2005

Ph.D. degree at Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Major in Analytical Chemistry


M.S. degreeat Hunan College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Major in traditional Chinese Pharmacology

Sep.1992~Jun. 1996

B.S. degree at Gansu College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Major in traditional Chinese Pharmacology

Professional Background


Professor,School of Pharmacy, Lanzhou University

May. 2005~May, 2018

Associate researcher, Researcher,Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Jul. 1999~Aug.2002

Pharmacist-in-charge, Gansu Institute for Drug Control



Clinical Pharmaceutical Analysis

Research Interests

Research experience:

Responsible for the following research projects: “Youth Science Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China”, “Sub-project of the 12th National Five-Year Technology Support Program”, “the Scholar Program of the West Light Project, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)”, “Technological Innovation Project of Instrument and Equipment Development, CAS”, “Western Light Talent Training Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences”, “Nanjing project of Attracting Leading Entrepreneurial High-Tech Talents”, “Gansu Provincial Natural Science Foundation”, and several enterprise projects.

Research Interests:

1.New methods and techniques for screening and separating active components in traditional Chinese medicine and herbal medicine, and researches on quality control and quality standard

2.New materials, new methods and new technologies for sample pretreatment

3.Key technologies of functional utilization of plant resources and development of functional products

Honor and Awards

2011, won the Third Prize of Gansu Provincial Natural Science.

2007, won the Second Prize of Gansu Provincial Natural Science.

Representative Publications

[1]Dong-mei Liu, Jun-li Yang, Wei Ha, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. α-Glucosidase immobilization on chitosan-enriched magnetic compositesfor enzyme inhibitors screening. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2017, 105: 308-316

[2]Xiao-yu sun, Rui-tian Ma, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Boronate-affinity based magnetic molecularly imprinted nanoparticles for the efficient extraction of the model glycoprotein horseradish peroxidase. Microchim Acta, 2017, 184: 3729-3737

[3]Dong-mei Liu, Jun-li Yang, Wei Ha, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Kinetics and inhibition study of tyrosinase by pressure mediated microanalysis. Analytical Biochemistry, 2017, 525: 54-59

[4]Dong-mei Liu, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Screening of enzyme inhibitors from traditional Chinese medicine by magnetic immobilizedα-glucosidase coupled with capillary electrophoresis. Talanta. 2017, 164: 548-555

[5]Xin-yue Song, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Different configurations of carbon nanotubes reinforced solid-phase microextraction techniques and their applications in the environmental analysis. Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2017, 86: 263-275

[6]Na Li, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Magnetic polyethyleneimine functionalized reduced graphene oxide as a novel magnetic solid-phase extraction adsorbent for the determination of polar acidic herbicides in rice. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017, 949: 23-34

[7]Na Li, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Magnetic reduced graphene oxide functionalized with b-cyclodextrin as magnetic solid-phase extraction adsorbents for the determination of phytohormones in tomatoes coupled with high performance liquid chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 2016, 1441: 24-33

[8]Tang-juan Zhao, Huan-yang Qi, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Quantitative analysis offive toxic alkaloids in Aconitum pendulumusing ultra-performance convergence chromatography (UPC2 ) coupled with mass spectrometry. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 103869-103875

[9]Jian-nan Sun, Yan-ping Shi*, Juan Chen*. Development of ionic liquid based electromembrane extraction and its application to the enrichment of acidic compounds in pig kidney tissues. RSC Advances, 2015, 5: 37682-38690

[10] Yang Yang, Juan Chen*, Yan-ping Shi*. Recent developments in modifying polypropylene hollow fibers for sample preparation. Trends in Analytical Chemistry. 2015, 64: 109-117

Tel:0931-8915686 Add:School of Pharmacy Lanzhou University,199 Donggang Rd West ,Lanzhou,Gansu,P.R.China,730000  陇ICP备10000336号

