In order to study and implement the spirit of the party's 19th national meeting and the national ideological and political work conference, the School of Pharmacy held 2019 "ideology and politics" demonstration course competition.
The competition was hosted over by JIa-Zhong Li, deputy dean of teaching, and professor Feng-Zhen Yue and professor Shi-Qiang Yan, two undergraduate teaching supervisors of Lanzhou University, along with two previous award winners, Yuan Zhao and Jian-Qin Xie were invited to be the judge.
Before the competition, professor Jia-Zhong Li introduced the importance of the involvement of "ideology and politics" in college education, and believes that the teaching ability and responsibility of all the school teachers will be further improved through the competition. During the competition, most of the teachers showed their personal skills on how to combine the "ideology and politics" element with professional knowledge through twenty-minute demonstration. The experts also expressed their praise and suggestions for all the teachers. Based on the experts’ evaluation, De-Juan Zhi, Yang Li and Yan-Bin Shi won the first prize, the second prize, respectively. And professor De-Juan Zhi will attend 2019 " ideology and politics" demonstration course competition of Lanzhou University.
Tel:0931-8915686 Add:School of Pharmacy Lanzhou University,199 Donggang Rd West ,Lanzhou,Gansu,P.R.China,730000 陇ICP备10000336号